Pills for Depression
Using Pills for Depression
The current pace of life is sometimes so severe that it is impossible to do without the constant turmoil that leads a person to a stressful state. Often, because of these situations, various diseases that have a psychogenic character begin to develop. However, correctly selected tablets from depression and their timely reception will help to prevent undesirable consequences.
Depression can be treated with special medications prescribed by the doctor.
When are Medications Prescribed?
The purpose of tablets from depression is necessary when the first symptom of a stressful condition is noted:
- high degree of irritability;
- severe anxiety;
- feeling of experience;
- a sense of panic fear.
- Reactive depression leads to:
- a serious decrease in mood;
- loss of ability to empathize with relatives and friends (this phenomenon is called anhedonia);
- violation of mental activity;
- passivity and lack of initiative.
Regardless of the situation, the mood of a person is always negative. Whatever he started, it turns out to be a failure.
What should be done in the first place, so it is to consult a therapist. If you do not do it on time, the quality of life will seriously deteriorate, and the depression will become even more aggravated and prolonged. As a consequence, other dangerous diseases can start, often ending in a fatal outcome.
Antidepressants Pharmacodynamics
What medication for depression should I choose? Each group of medicines has its own pharmacodynamics, that is, its own mechanism of action.
Here’s how the tranquilizers work:
- decreases the patient’s conflict;
- the voltage inside is relaxed;
- you manage to get rid of fear, anger and feelings of anxiety;
- passes a panic state;
- decreased mental excitability;
- concentration of attention becomes much better;
- thought processes become more active and intense;
- sleep improves, its duration increases.
Even externally, a person is less irritable than what he was before the beginning of treatment.
The action of neuroleptics has the following mechanics:
- there is a desire to do something, to work;
- hallucinations disappear;
- it is possible to get rid of cramps;
- is not only anti-icicle and antiemetic, but also antihypertensive effect.
As for the pharmacodynamics of sedatives, it is represented by their ability:
- reduce irritability;
- relieve the patient of excessive impulsiveness;
- reduce emotional tension;
- improve the quality of sleep.
Sedatives help to remove irritability.
The main working moments of sedatives during depression, that is, antidepressants, are associated with:
- a marked improvement in mood;
- activation of psychomotorics (the patient becomes brisker, more initiative, his working capacity is increased);
- providing psycho-sedative effect (it is possible to eliminate anxiety, a sense of anxiety).
Psychic stimulants have the following pharmacodynamics:
- decreased drowsiness;
- increase of working capacity;
- Strengthening endurance.
Changes in the physical state observed after application are expressed:
- increased pressure indicators;
- intensification of glycogenolysis in the liver;
- increased lipolysis.
The medicine should be taken under strict medical supervision to avoid side effects – such as, for example, the development of anorexia.
Finally, completing the list of tablets from depression and stress, we should recall the mechanism of action of nootropics:
- activation of brain function;
- getting rid of mental retardation;
- elimination of apathy;
- a decrease in emotional excitability, as well as irritability;
- improvement of memorization processes;
getting rid of a depressed state; - increased resistance to stress;
- stopping personal degradation (which is sometimes observed as a side effect of taking antiepileptic drugs).
But in no case do not prescribe to yourself treatment, otherwise do more harm yourself than help. It is the prerogative of a qualified psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
Antidepressants Pharmacokinetics
What about the pharmacokinetics of drugs? Oral administration of tablets from depression and stress provides them with a fairly rapid absorption and subsequent distribution in tissues.
Approximately half of the dose is then excreted over a couple of days along with the urine. That part of the drug that remains in the body interacts with blood proteins and is eliminated after about a couple of weeks.
In the case of antidepressants, the rate of excretion is a rather important factor, since, on the basis of this, it is determined:
- dosage of the medicine;
- risk of overdose;
- the degree of poisoning by components.
People suffering from a severe depressive state can take certain medications with the intentional goal of committing suicide. That’s why the doctor should determine the exact dose, and not the patient himself.
The correct dosage of the medicine is very important.
Each patient in the plasma can have their own volume of antidepressants. Variability is due to individual characteristics associated with the transformation of the drug in an organ such as the liver.
Here are the factors that affect the metabolic processes:
- genetic determinism associated with the activity of cytochromes P450;
- level of working capacity of the liver;
- age threshold of the patient;
- characteristics of the drug that is applied.
If a person’s age is already elderly, his metabolic processes are slowed, and therefore the side effects of drugs can be more pronounced and manifest faster. In a child, the transformation is accelerated, the risk of side effects is reduced and dosages, respectively, may be higher.
We should not forget about the possibility of influencing the volume of anti depressants contained in the blood plasma on the characteristics of other medications used.
Depression in Pregnant Women
What is the medicine for stress and depression to take with pregnant women? In general, should I take anything?
The urgency of such issues is beyond doubt, since women in the state of expectation of the child are very sloped to depressive states and are easily exposed to stress.
There are drugs that do not pose any danger to the female body and, especially, to the developing fetus. However, there are also such means, the reception of which can destroy a baby or cause dangerous pathologies in his future.
With a strong stressful condition, in the opinion of experienced psychotherapists, one can not do without antidepressants even during pregnancy. After all, the depressed state of the future mother is no less dangerous for her health and the state of her child than some medicines. Sometimes, due to the fact that the balance of mind is upset, postpartum depression is provoked.
What medicine quickly cures depression, stress and irritability? It is important to choose the right medicine. Especially careful selection of medicines should be in the first trimester, since congenital anomalies can arise.
The best option in this case will be the use of selective inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants. They have a minimum of adverse reactions, that is, a maximum, from which you can suffer, this is:
- headache;
- decreased libido;
- diarrhea.
Tablets from the nerves can cause dependence – therefore, shortly before the birth, refusal of their reception is necessary, which will help to avoid the formation of such dependence in the child born.
The period is quite important, and therefore it is acceptable to take good sedatives, such as Citalopram, Paroxetine, Bupropion, Sertraline.
Mandatory appoints medicines and closely supervises their admission, a medical specialist. To calm nerves without risk of damaging the baby’s health, they often resort to phytotherapy. One of the safest options is herbal tea, the components of which can be represented by St. John’s wort, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian root, thyme. Phytotherapist, if that, will tell you a lot of useful therapeutic (as well as preventive) recipes using the above and other plant cultures.
It is necessary to be as cautious as possible, taking this or that medicine for stress – without prescription from a doctor, it is generally undesirable to do this. Remember the so-called “thalidomide catastrophe,” when in 1956-62, a large number of children with physiological malformation were born in different countries of the world, only because their mothers during pregnancy were taking the untested antidepressant sedative Tiladomide.
Pregnant women are not allowed to drink all the antidepressants.
Antidepressants Contraindications
Naturally, medications for depression and anxiety have their own contraindications. They are quite individual, but you can list several common limitations associated with the application:
- disorders related to blood circulation;
- kidney disease, as well as liver;
- convulsions;
- psychomotor excitability;
- individual intolerance and allergy;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- arterial hypotension, which has a persistent character;
- confusion of consciousness.
Also, the doctors’ testimonies indicate that such cures for irritability, like heterocyclic drugs, are not accepted when:
- gastric ulcer;
- pyloric stenosis;
- impaired conduction of the heart muscle;
- postinfarction;
- hypotonic ailment of the 3rd stage;
- closed glaucoma;
- heart defect, which has a decompensated character;
- intestinal obstruction;
- hypertrophy of the prostate.
Children under the age of twelve, soothing from fear, fatigue and depression, do not accept.
Side Effects
You should also not forget about the likelihood of certain side effects when using tablets to treat depression.
Most often you have to deal with:
- sinus tachycardia;
- cardiac arrhythmia;
- violation of intracardiac patency;
- oppression of the bone marrow;
- intestinal hypotension;
- dryness in the oral cavity;
- deterioration of appetite;
- weight reduction;
- migraine;
- difficulty sleeping;
- a delay in urination;
- a violation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
When a patient takes antipsychotics, it can temporarily be tormented:
- feeling of sluggishness;
- inhibited reactions;
- persistent drowsiness;
- a collaptoid state;
- a feeling of drowsiness.
Feelings of lethargy and apathy are typical side effects when taking neuroleptics.
As a rule, all this is not too pronounced and does not become a special hindrance when taking medications. However, if side effects continue for a long time and seriously worsen the quality of life, you need to see a doctor: it is quite possible that he will correct the course of treatment and replace the drug with another.
Which Pills are Better for Depression?
In the list of drugs for depression and stress, there are a lot of names: naturally, people, first of all, are interested in the strongest and most effective of them. They want to know which tablets will certainly help to get rid of the depressive state and neurosis.
List of the Best Antidepressants
The selection of such medicines should be done only by a qualified physician and by no one else. But most often the choice is:
- Zoloft (Sertraline);
- Lexapro (Escitalopram);
- Effexor XR (Venlafaxine);
- Wellbutrin SR (Bupropion);
- Amitriptyline (Amitriptyline);
- Celexa (Citalopram);
- Trazodone (Trazodone);
- Elavil (Amitriptyline);
- Cymbalta (Duloxetine);
- Paxil (Paroxetine);
- Citalopram;
- Lithium (Lithium Carbonate);
- Bupropion;
- Clozaril (Clozapine);
- Desyrel (Trazodone);
- Sinequan (Doxepin);
- Endep (Amitriptyline);
- Bupron SR (Bupropion);
- Paroxetine (Paroxetine);
- Remeron (Mirtazapine);
- Abilify (Aripiprazole);
- Anafranil (Clomipramine);
- Wellbutrin (Bupropion);
- Zyban (Bupropion);
- Emsam (Selegiline);
- Pamelor (Nortriptyline);
- Venlor (Venlafaxine);
As mentioned above, the list can be quite large. Much depends on which form of depression you have to fight, at what stage of the disorder is the patient.
Citalopram – these pills are actively used in the treatment of depression.
The treatment is under the supervision of the doctor. When the positive results are achieved, the therapeutic course is usually adjusted: dosages are reduced or the medicine is replaced with a more gentle one. If you take medications at first, and then interrupt their reception without healing, you can only aggravate your condition.
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